Flashback Cruz Art

This is the artwork for the 25th Anniversary Flashback Cruz which is held in Bend, Oregon.

Progressive Screen Printing contacted me about creating the artwork for their client the Central Oregon Classic Chevy Club.

All the base artwork was created in Illustrator then brought into Photoshop for additional detail and depth. Below is the Illustrator version of the main car which is also the winner of last year’s show.

Progressive was great to work with, they gave me all the details on what elements the client wanted in the design. The artwork was used for shirts and posters.

Photoshop The Host – Chris Duke of Motorz

Chris Duke of Motorz posted on his Facebook page a request for anyone to Photoshop Peter of “Family Guy” onto his new “Season 3” photo.

Chris is a cool guy that I have gotten to know on Facebook and from his show Motorz so I thought I would take him up on his request.

The trick was getting the shirt to fit around Peter’s neck in a natural looking way. After a few tweaks here and there I was pleased with how it turned out.

Chris just posted an article titled “Photoshop The Host” with all the details. See the image I did at the top of the page beside Chris’s picture and at the top of the images below.

You can give it a try too, he has details on his website. Whether you do artwork or not check out Chris’s videos on Motorz. You can also check him out on Facebook and Twitter.

Dandy’s Drive-In T-Shirt Design

Dandy’s Drive-In in Bend, Oregon needed some t-shirts for their business and contacted me about a design they had in mind.

Dandy’s has been around since 1968 and their logo includes a certain styled lettering along with a skater-girl. They wanted to add additional elements for the shirt design like a Camaro along with a few adjustments to the skater-girl.

The adjustments they wanted to see to the skater-girl included adding pushed up long sleeves, change the shorts to jean shorts and add more detail to the skates.

When making adjustments like this sometimes I draw directly on screen and in other cases I sketch on paper first. In this case I sketched on paper first and then later scanned the sketch, redrawing it all in illustrator.

Originally designed for black ink on white and/or light colored apparel they also needed a version for black shirts. There are times in which the same artwork can be used but with this design a version for black shirts needed to be created.

This project went as smooth as any project can go! Dandy’s was great to work with, they knew what they wanted and gave me excellent instructions.

Here is a photo of the two of the girls who work at Dandy’s Drive-In wearing the new shirts.

In The Shop, At The Show

In The Shop, At The Show Artwork

This is the other BF Goodrich project that I was commissioned to do. Just like the first one I posted about earlier, the ad agency sent me sketches and I did the illustration work.

In The Shop, At The Show Animation

When I first started this project, the car you see in the “In The Shop” panel was shown with the wheel on.

In The Shop - Wheel On

Later, they wanted to see what the car would look like with the wheel off. After seeing both, they decided to go with the one with the wheel off.

Rat Race, Drag Race

BF Goodrich - Rat Race

The Rat Race, Drag Race project was a commission from an ad agency for their client, BF Goodrich. The artwork is to be used as a web advertisement.

The agency already had an idea of what they wanted and asked me to do the illustration work. The idea behind the ad is to show that the BF Goodrich tires are ready for the street and the strip.

BF Goodrich - Drag Race

I started with the Rat Race illustration and because the ad transitions from one panel to the other it was important to keep the positions of the elements exact. In order to do this I used a copy of the first illustration to make the second.

I didn’t get a chance to see the final ad, so I made this one to help give you an idea of how it is suppose to display.

Rat Race Drag Race

I did this artwork some time ago and just forgot add to it to my site because of other rushes I was working on at the time. In fact, I have another BF Goodrich project to post after this one.